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Our History

Humber Valley United Church’s history began on March 19th, 1952 when it was created as a congregation at a Service of Constitution held in the Auditorium of Humber Valley Village School.  The first service was held in late September 1952 in the school. The following year, the first phase of the new church building was completed and ready for use.   


In the 1950s, Etobicoke was a fast-growing Toronto suburb and the Humber Valley area was a key part of that growth.  The charter members of our church had great foresight to appreciate the role a church could play in the formation of a brand new community.  And Humber Valley United Church became a key component of the area’s development as a very desirable place to live and raise families.


Much has happened in the 65+ years of our church’s growth and evolution. The Charter Roll was signed by 280 people in January 1953 and Rev. Arthur Steed commenced his ministry as Senior Minister in September 1953.  The Arthur Steed years (1953-1975) saw an explosive growth in all parts of the church with membership climbing to 1,700 adults and a Sunday school of 1,000 students.  Humber Valley has continued to evolve under the ministerial leadership of Revs. Dr. Robert Watt, Bruce Roberts, Don Gibson, Mark Winger, Rev. Dr. Rick Tamas and currently, Rev Dr. Trevor Brisbin.  Likewise, our reputation for high-quality music has flourished under the leadership of Raymond Gould, Debbie Bradley, Paul Chant, and Jill Diane Filion, our current Director of Music.  In 2010, one hundred members of the ex-St Luke’s United Church, which sadly closed its doors, joined Humber Valley. 


Along the way, there have been several successful fundraising programs, starting with the money needed to build the church in 1952 and 1953. Over time, funds were raised for the stained glass windows, an elevator, and a new organ. The 1992 Reach for Renewal Campaign raised $450,000 over 3 years for a combination of local outreach, provision of new programs and services, capital needs and the funding of existing programs.


Today, building on the foresight of the original members, and over 63 years of history, Humber Valley is a strong centre of faith and a busy centre of community activity.

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© 2021 by Humber Valley United Church

76 Anglesey Blvd., Toronto ON M9A 3C1


Charity Number: 130633167RR0001

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