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Get Involved or Volunteer

Gatherings operate in person and virtually. Please consult our Calendar. You may also call the office at 416-231-2263 X22.

Jesus welcomed everyone, whether they were rich or poor; self-made or educated; popular or a loner; secure or full of doubts. HVUC prides itself on welcoming everyone the way Jesus did, regardless of age, race, class, gender, sexual orientation, or physical ability.

There is so much happening at our church and something for everyone to participate in. Do you like singing, hiking, volunteering, cooking, learning, reading, knitting, decorating, socializing, or building and fixing things?


If you are new to the area, or new to the idea of being part of a church community, we'd love to speak with you. We can surely match up your interests and talents with a dynamic group that would welcome you with open arms. Don't be shy...we are so pleased that you have taken that first step and we are here to guide and support you. For information, please call the church office at 416.231.2263

Social Interaction for All Ages


UCW: Humber Valley is home to one of the most robust UCW groups in the country. We meet monthly for various programs and to organize fundraisers in support of the church as well as local and international charities. We have a lot of fun and fellowship in our purpose to unite the women of the church and work together in the manner and service of Jesus Christ. 

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Men’s Lunch Group:  This is also known as the Fred Torrie Lunch group in memory of its founder, the late Fred Torrie. We are a group of men from the church who meet monthly for lunch and informal fellowship and discuss topics of mutual interest at a local restaurant. If any men would like to attend our lunch sessions, and are not already on our mailing list, please contact the church office. 


Men's Group: The Humber Valley Men’s Group meets in the Hearth Room at 7:00pm on the last Monday of each month. There is a speaker presentation followed by a lively discussion on timely topics of varying subjects. Add your name to the list by contacting Bob Kinnear or Murray Smith via the church office.

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Special Events


Fundraisers, Social-Justice Initiatives, Food Drives, Concerts, Fashion Shows, Card Games, Community Meals, Talent Shows, Discussion Groups, BBQs, Carnivals, Hikes, Afternoon Tea, Souper Sunday (soup-drive), Special Guests and Speakers, Book Club, are just a few of the events held at Humber Valley United Church.



Humber Valley United Church reaches out to international, national and local charities: Sleeping Children Around the World (a fully-funded, nonprofit charity founded by Murray and Margaret Dryden of Humber Valley), Water for Life and the Canadian Leprosy Fund are three of our main recipients.


At home, we support local charities like Youth Without Shelter, Ernestine's, Fred Victor Mission, Red Door, Gatehouse just to name a few. Our Outreach Ministry gives hope to a very large number of people who suffer both here and around the world.

Social Justice


Humber Valley United Church's REDI Group oversees and organizes the Affirm United aspect of our church community and various new initiatives. CONTACT PIPPA FOR MORE INFORMATION.


Beginner Handbells: Ages 10 and up are welcome to learn handbells. CONTACT DREW FOR MORE INFORMATION.


Valley Voices Community Choir: Wednesday evenings at 7-9:00pm in the Sanctuary with performances at Senior's Homes, Church Services, Church Events, and our annual show in June. All are welcome. No audition required. CONTACT COLLEEN FOR MORE INFORMATION.

Daytimers: HVUC provides a tasty lunch and a program of interest for the 55+ folks in our church and its community on the last Monday of every month. Donations are gratefully accepted.

55+ in Central Etobicoke: At HVUC we offer a vibrant program for older adults. We provide a mix of over 30 virtual and in-person programs, plus outdoor activities that are free and open to all. GO TO HOME PAGE FOR LINK TO PROGRAM GUIDE.

Pastoral Care: Our Pastoral Care Ministry offers support to the ill, shut-in, bereaved, and those in crisis in our church family.

Girl Guiding: Humber Valley United Church has always supported the Guiding movement by providing free usage of our space to Sparks, Brownies and Guides. Many children and youth meet here for these activities each week.

L.I.F.T. Youth Meet-Up:

Our youth group, called L.I.F.T. (Learning In Faith Together), meet in The Bunker, our beautifully refurbished youth room downstairs. Welcoming all newcomers, this meet-up of friends is eagar to engage in fun, rewarding experiences that will last a lifetime! CONTACT LICIA FOR MORE INFO.

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© 2021 by Humber Valley United Church

76 Anglesey Blvd., Toronto ON M9A 3C1


Charity Number: 130633167RR0001

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